In this geography exercise, you will find a world map to complete, by writing the oceans and continents in the right place (12 boxes to complete).
An answer key is included.
In this PDF file (also available in DOCX format), you will find a lesson and an exercise with 18 sentences on the topic of partitive articles (de, de la, du, des). This is an area that is often difficult for foreign learners to tackle. This colorful sheet aims to explain, in a clear and concise way, the rules of French related to these articles. It is preferable that this lesson be supervised by a teacher (for the grammar points but also for the vocabulary used in the text).
Below the lesson, you will find an exercise with 18 sentences, inspired by the courses I gave in the association where I work. To make it easier for learners, I have indicated the gender of the nouns used in the sentences (♂= masculine; ♀ = feminine). On the second page is a detailed answer key. The exercise can be modified by you. It is adapted to A2 or even B1 level.
You can download the exercise in PDF and DOCX format. An answer key is included.
Voici un texte sur le thème de l’alcool, avec 17 verbes à conjuguer au présent, passé composé et imparfait.
Ce texte parle des risques associés à la consommation, même légère, d’alcool. Une étude en 2020 a montré que la consommation légère à modérée d’alcool avait engendré près de 23 000 cas de cancer en 2017.
Cet exercice est utile pour un public FLE B1-B2, afin de :
Perfectionner la conjugaison
Aborder des sujets sensibles (alcool, addictions…)
Téléchargeable en PDF et DOCX. Corrigé inclus.
Voici une feuille d’exercice au format PDF sur le thème des insectes et petites bêtes. Elle est focalisée sur la lecture et l’écriture, et est à destination des niveaux CP, CE1, ainsi que FLE A1.1 et A1.
12 insectes et petites bêtes : papillon, coccinelle, guêpe, blatte (cafard), abeille, moustique, chenille, mouche, fourmi, libellule, araignée, sauterelle
Écriture scripte et cursive
5 mots proposés à chaque fois
L’enfant / apprenant devra lire les mots et entourer celui qui convient
Nous avons utilisé plusieurs polices d’écriture pour familiariser l’élève aux différentes graphies
1 espace en dessous de chaque image, pour écrire le bon mot
English version below:
Here is a PDF exercise sheet on the theme of insects and small animals. It is focused on reading and writing, and is intended for 1st grade, 2nd grade, and FFL A1.1 and A1 levels.
12 insects and small animals: butterfly, ladybug, wasp, cockroach, bee, mosquito, caterpillar, fly, ant, dragonfly, spider, grasshopper
Handwriting and script
5 words proposed each time
The child/learner will have to read the words and circle the appropriate one
We have used several fonts to familiarize the student with the different spellings
1 space below each image, to write the right word
This easy, no-prep activity will help your students express themselves in French and speak about their taste, what they like, etc.
The preliminary activity deals with 6 verbs that needto be conjugated (adorer, aimer (bien), apprécier, ne pas aimer, détester, haïr).
Then, a writing exercise will ask student to explain what they like or dislike. They have examples of activities and need to write a short text below the instructions.
What’s Included
A two-page printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) and its PDF equivalent.
A complete answer sheet, with 10 examples of sentences for the writing exercise.
This easy, no-prep activity will help your students practice the plural form in French.
The sentences in singular have to be transformed into the plural form. There are 20 sentences to be transformed this way.
What’s Included
A one-page illustrated, printable and modifiable DOCX, and a printable PDF
An exhaustive answer sheet
In this exercise, you’ll be able to study the French verbs ÊTRE (to be) and AVOIR (to have).
This sheet has been made by myself, a 30-year-old French teacher for strangers and migrants near Paris. I spent most of my life in France and I’m happy to share my knowledge.
The exercise sheet goes along with an answer sheet.
It can be modifiable (DOCX) or not (PDF)
Ce document de 3 pages A4 comporte un texte sur les règles de savoir-vivre en France ainsi que deux exercices (compréhension écrite et expression orale/écrite).
Le texte parle de l’étiquette en France, en expliquant les bonnes manières et les habitudes à adopter pour être bien vu en société. Il met l’accent sur :
l’importance de la courtoisie et des formules de politesse,
la distance dans la communication avec les inconnus,
les coutumes à table ,
les codes vestimentaires et comportements à adopter,
les règles explicites et tacites pour facilite l’intégration sociale.
Le texte souligne aussi qu’il faut éviter les comportements impolis ou agressifs, comme parler fort en public, jeter des déchets dans la rue ou fumer dans les endroits publics.
L’exercice de compréhension comporte 7 questions, tandis que l’exercice d’expression comporte les deux sujets suivants :
Dans votre pays, y a-t-il des règles de savoir-vivre similaires ou différentes de celles en France ? Donnez des exemples.
Quelles sont les choses qui vous ont surpris après votre arrivée en France ?
L’exercice est adapté aux apprenants adultes de niveau FLE A2, B1 voire B2. Il nécessite d’être pédagogue pour bien expliquer les règles de société en France.
Un corrigé est inclus. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF et DOCX.
This 3-pages document includes a text on the rules of etiquette in France and two exercises (reading comprehension and oral/written expression).
The text talks about etiquette in France, explaining the good manners and habits to adopt in order to be well seen in society. It emphasizes :
the importance of courtesy and politeness
the distance in communication with strangers,
customs at the table,
dress codes and behavior,
explicit and tacit rules to facilitate social integration.
The text also emphasizes the need to avoid impolite or aggressive behavior, such as speaking loudly in public, throwing garbage in the street or smoking in public places.
The comprehension exercise has 7 questions, while the expression exercise has the following two topics:
In your country, are there rules of etiquette that are similar or different from those in France? Give examples.
What are the things that surprised you after your arrival in France?
The exercise is adapted to adult learners at the FFL A2, B1 or B2 level. It requires pedagogy to explain the rules of society in France.
An answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format.
Ce texte FLE évoque 10 astuces pour faciliter le quotidien, et comporte plusieurs exercices.
Il permettra de :
Connaître des astuces méconnues pour optimiser son mode de vie,
Améliorer son vocabulaire et son orthographe,
S’exprimer en français à l’oral et à l’écrit, sur un sujet concret.
Corrigé inclus.
Téléchargeable en PDF et en DOCX.
English version:
This FLE text evokes 10 tips to make everyday life easier, and includes several exercises.
This topic is suitable for learners at A2 level and above. Ideal for B1 or B2.
It will enable you to :
Learn little-known tips for optimizing your lifestyle,
Improve vocabulary and spelling,
Express themselves in French, orally and in writing, on a concrete subject.
Answers included.
Downloadable in PDF and DOCX.
Voici un document A4 avec un texte de compréhension écrite qui présente Sarah, une infirmière. Elle raconte son quotidien. En-dessous du texte de 12 lignes, vous trouverez 12 questions adaptées au niveau A1+ et A2. Adapté pour des élèves de niveau CE1 voire CE2 avec difficultés.
Le document est téléchargeable en PDF et DOCX (pour modification).
English version:
Here is a worksheet with a reading comprehension text that presents Sarah, a nurse. She talks about her daily life. Below the 12-line text, you will find 12 questions adapted to A1+ and A2 level. Suitable for students with difficulties at 2nd or 3rd grade level.
The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX.
Voici un texte et des exercices sur le thème de Paris, la capitale française. Vous trouverez un texte d’une page contenant un petit historique de la ville, avec l’évocation de certains avantages et inconvénients de la vie à Paris (avantages : transports en commun, cafés, restaurants, sorties, culture, travail… / inconvénients : saleté, criminalité, manque de civisme…). Sur la deuxième page, vous trouverez un exercice de vocabulaire, où il s’agira de choisir la bonne définition pour 12 termes proposés. Ensuite, il faudra répondre à quatre questions de compréhension, puis à trois questions d’expression écrite.
L’exercice est adapté aux apprenants de niveau FLE A2 et B1. On peut aussi le donner à des écoliers (niveau CM2) et collégiens (6ème, 5ème). Un corrigé est inclus. Le document est téléchargeable au format PDF AND DOCX.
Here is a text and exercises on the theme of Paris, the French capital. You will find a one-page text containing a short history of the city, with the evocation of some advantages and disadvantages of life in Paris (advantages: public transport, cafés, restaurants, outings, culture, work… / disadvantages: dirtiness, criminality, lack of civic-mindedness…). On the second page, you will find a vocabulary exercise, where you will have to choose the right definition for 12 terms. Then, you will have to answer four comprehension questions and three written expression questions.
The exercise is adapted to learners of FLE level A2 and B1. It can also be given to schoolchildren (CM2 level) and college students (6ème, 5ème). An answer key is included. The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX format.
Here is a personality test for FFL (FLE) A2/B1 learners. With its 10 questions, it will help learners to get to know themselves better and find out how to study more effectively.
You’ll find an analysis of the results on a second page, with advice adapted to each of the 4 profiles.
The document can be downloaded in PDF and DOCX formats. You can use this personality test with higher levels (FFL B2, C1…)
French text:
Voici un test de personnalité pour les apprenants FLE A2/B1. Avec ses 10 questions, il permettra aux apprenants de mieux se connaître et de savoir comment travailler plus efficacement.
Vous trouverez une analyse des résultats sur une seconde page A4, avec des conseils adaptés pour chacun des 4 profils
Le document est téléchargeable aux formats PDF et DOCX. Vous pouvez utiliser ce test de personnalité avec des niveaux supérieurs (FLE B2, C1…)
Here’s an ice-breaker with 26 introductory questions, to start a conversation with your learners in the FFL classroom.
Suitable for A1 and above (oral expression). Useful for A1, A2 and higher levels.
PDF and DOCX formats.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
French version:
Voici une activité brise-glace avec 26 questions de présentation, pour engager la conversation avec vos apprenants en classe de FLE.
Adapté à partir du niveau A1.1 (questions à l’oral). Utile pour A1, A2 et niveaux ultérieurs.
This printable document contains a text and exercises dedicated to the subject of walking. After the reading, you will find a first exercise: from the proposed list, you will have to find the definition of 13 words (une calèche, systématiquement, bénéfique, s’aérer, vagabonder, surprenant, inspiration, embouteillage, conscient, la société, sans doute, une initiative, à coup sûr). Then, you will find 4 questions of comprehension (MCQ). Finally, in a third exercise, 3 essay questions are proposed: “How much time do you walk during a normal day? Is it enough?”; “What physical activities do you do?”; “Do you have a driver’s license? Do you use the car often?”
This exercise is suitable for learners at A2 (Year 4-Year 6 = CE2-CM1 equivalent) or even B1 level. It can be downloaded in PDF format. An answer key is also included.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
This activity (all in French) is about rest, sleep and dreams! Many new words and expressions to learn, some of them frequently used by French speakers!
The worksheet consists of 3 different exercises.
What’s Included
A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX + its PDF equivalent) with 3 exercises (including a writing exercise),
A complete answer sheet (2 pages)
In the first exercise, you will have to complete the empty spaces of the text (15 words from the list: baille, cauchemars, couche, dormir, endormi, endormir, fatigue, insomnies, lève, matinal, met au lit, oiseau de nuit, réveil, réveille, siestes)
In the second exercise, you will have to find the meaning of 8 sentences related to sleep, among three possible choices. Example: “faire la grasse matinée”, “dormir à poings fermés”, “être dans les bras de Morphée”, “c’est une histoire à dormir debout”…
Finally, in the last exercise, the learner will have to answer a question about his sleep: does he sleep a lot? On your back or on your side? Does he have a light sleep or a rather heavy sleep?
The answers are complete and include examples for written expression.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
**Thank you! **
This French worksheet is about road safety. You will learn about 10 things you need to know to drive safely: speed, car condition, sobriety, helmet, pedestrians, fatigue, priorities, seatbelts, short trips, telephone (vitesse, état des voitures, sobriété, casque, piétons, fatigue, priorités, ceinture, trajets courts, téléphone)
You will find a first exercise of the multiple choice quiz (10 questions) and a second exercise of written expression with the following topic: “Are you a good driver? How do you drive?”
An answer sheet is attached to this activity.
This activity is suitable for adult French learners at level A2 (Pre-Intermediate). It is also suitable for level B1 (Intermediate).
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Cette feuille d’exercices porte sur la sécurité routière. Vous pourrez en apprendre davantage sur 10 éléments à connaître pour rouler en toute sécurité : vitesse, état des voitures, sobriété, casque, piétons, fatigue, priorités, ceinture, trajets courts, téléphone.
Vous trouverez un premier exercice type QCM (10 questions) et un second exercice d’expression écrite avec le sujet suivant : “Êtes-vous un bon conducteur ? Comment roulez-vous ?”
Un corrigé est joint à cette activité.
Cette activité est réservée aux apprenants adultes de niveau A2 (Pré-intermédiaire / Faux-débutant). Il convient aussi au niveau B1 (Intermédiaire).
In this short activity, students will be able to study the map of Europe (all in French). They will be able to better locate the countries, and familiarize themselves with some monuments (the Brandenburg Gate, the Colosseum, Big Ben, the Atomium, the Alhambra, Notre Dame Cathedral).
What’s Included
A two-page illustrated, printable and modifiable worksheet (DOCX) + its PDF equivalent
A two-page answer sheet
As a first step, it will be necessary to indicate the States bordering France, from the proposed list.
Then, the students will be asked to write on the map the European countries they know.
Then, in a writing exercise, the students will have to write which European countries they have already visited.
Finally, 6 photos of monuments are presented: the students will have to write the name of the corresponding monument and the city where it is located.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Thank you!
This worksheet is about jobs: a list of 12 jobs is provided, and the blank space under each image must be filled in with the corresponding one.
This sheet is suitable for beginners in French (A1.1 and A1).
You will find an answer sheet attached to the exercise sheet.
We hope you will enjoy this worksheet!
Thank you!
French version:
*Voici une fiche sur les métiers : une liste de 12 métiers figure, et il faut compléter l’espace vide sous chaque image avec le métier correspondant.
Cette fiche est adaptée pour les classes de CP voire CE1, ainsi que pour les adultes alpha A1.1 et A1.
Vous trouverez un corrigé joint à la feuille d’exercice.*
This FFL B1 exercise is about nouns and adjectives about character and personality. You can teach your learners or students adjectives and nouns such as: anxious, stingy, brilliant, combative, disgusted, painful, thrifty, energetic, inventive, naive, resentful, reassuring, suffering, helpful, turbulent, optimistic, caring, prankster, worried, slender (anxieux, avare, brillant, combatif, dégoûté, douloureux, économe, énergique, inventif, naïf, rancunier, rassurant, souffrant, serviable, turbulent, optimiste, attentionné, farceur, inquiet, svelte)…
There is also a writing exercise: the student will have to write 5 sentences using the 5 proposed adjectives.
Through this worksheet, you will be able to teach useful vocabulary, which is put into context in everyday sentences.
The document is downloadable in PDF format and DOCX. An answer key is included